Sinhala language blogosphere reached yet another milestone yesterday, by releasing the first localized blogging tool, Sinhala Wordress!
The idea of translating the software was mooted during “Sinhala Blog Marathon Days” back in April and carried out by a group of Sinhala bloggers within a remarkably short period of time.
So… if you’re already on Wordpress, please try it out by uploading the si_LK.mo file as instructed on the website. Or you can install it anew : full Sinhala Wordpress package is now available for download! Spread the word!
Thanks Malinthe (the 18 year-old grandfather of the project :D ) for leading the group and getting it done fast.
See here for more
වර්ඩ්ප්රෙස් සිංහලෙන්! WordPress in Sinhala!
Official website : Wordpress සිංහල